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What is Omnistrate?

We offer Control Plane as-a-service, empowering you to swiftly build and operate your SaaS within minutes, at a fraction of the typical cost.

Our approach ensures enterprise-grade functionalities such as provisioning, serverless auto-scaling, metering, automated monitoring with recovery, intelligent patching, observability, and a host of additional features.

Before and After Before and After

What we take care of for you?

Infrastructure management

Infrastructure management with provisioning and managing infrastructure. To learn more why you need more than just Terraform, please see this.

Omnistrate takes care of provisioning and managing your service infrastructure, in any of the cloud providers, hosting models and deployments models required for your service. The infrastructure required for your service can be defined with simple abstractions as part of your service definition and all the required dependencies in the cloud provider (virtual machines, storage volumes, dns endpoints, load balancers, networking rules) are managed automatically by Omnistrate as part of your service deployment. Any change on the required infrastructure is considered on the service definition versioning and can be deployed safely using deployment pipelines following best practices.

Any pre-requisite or cloud provided managed services that needs to be configured before your service can run, can be also be specified on Omnistrate, allowing to leverage any managed service from the cloud provider (ie RDS, DynamoDB, Lambda, SQS), while keeping a versioned control of the infra definition and supporting multiple hosting models for your service.

Tenant management

Operational management

Application management

Commerce management


To learn more on how Omnistrate works, see this