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Setup using Compose

Compose is a powerful tool for defining and running multi-container applications and is used widely by many-many open source projects as a goto mechanism to deploy projects locally. With Compose, you can specify all the services, networks, volumes, and their relationships in a single, easy-to-read YAML file.

Getting Started

To start using Compose, you'll need to define a docker-compose.yml file that describes your application's services and their configurations.

Here is an Compose file to bring up Redis:

version: '3.9'

    image: redis:alpine
      - '6379:6379'

Extending compose specification for your SaaS

We have defined several compose tags to allow you to extend your compose specification to build your SaaS. Here are some examples:

  • Configure your cloud provider account using x-omnistrate-my-account and x-omnistrate-byoa tags
  • Make a service component distributed with multiple replicas using x-omnistrate-compute
  • Add a reverse proxy to HTTP-based services or other capabilities using x-omnistrate-capabilities
  • Customize visibility, logging, metering of a service using: x-omnistrate-integrations
  • Customize API parameters for launching the service using x-omnistrate-api-params and x-omnistrate-mode-internal
  • Inject custom code at different phases of your SaaS using x-omnistrate-actionhooks
  • Customize the compute / network / storage parameters of a service via x-omnistrate-compute and other corresponding tags

For more details on all the compose tags, please visit here

Example compose config


Validate your compose config

Before you submit your compose spec, you may want to validate the compose specification by running it locally on your desktop:

docker-compose up

Additional resources

  • Compose Documentation: The official documentation provides comprehensive information on using Compose effectively.
  • Compose File Reference: A detailed guide to the Compose file format and its options.
  • Docker Hub: Explore a vast repository of Docker images for various services and applications to use with Compose specification.