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SaaS tablestakes

Building a true SaaS service requires a true tenant management layer comprising of the following capabilities:

  • User experience
  • Management operations
  • Authentication
  • Access management
  • Account management
  • Observability
  • Enterprise-grade security

In the next section, we will cover in detail what each one of them entails and how Omnistrate helps you enable these capabilities out of the box.

User experience

Omnistrate platform automatically generates working REST APIs (that are automatically versioned and fully-managed) for your control plane when you build your SaaS. Your customers can immediately start consuming your APIs and build their applications for their users.

In addition, we automatically generate and build customized SaaS UX that's ready to use for your end customers. To learn more, please click here

Finally, we generate default CLI for your SaaS that you can use to directly onboard customers or extend it to further customize on top.

Omnistrate will take care to keep all the interfaces in-sync every time you make a change to your SaaS.

Management operations

Omnistrate automatically support several operations out of the box on each of the service components to provision resources (or deployments), modify them, view their status, view audit history, deprovision, start or stop, scale up or down and so on.


How will your tenants authenticate with your service?

Access management

How will they manage their users and give them desired permissions? How will they audit every activity for their resource instances?

Your SaaS control plane provides access control for your customers to manage roles to respective individuals in their organization.

Account management

Customers can also view and configure their account details to update any of their personal information. Separately, they can manage their subscription to different services.


The best SaaS products give you deep and immediate insights not just about the usage of the product but also the operational visibility. A responsive observability subsystem goes a long way to give your product a professional feel, and robust audit logs give confidence to compliance and security teams that the usage of this product will stand the test of time.

There are different mechanisms to provide observability:

  • Auditing: records every action being taken on the resource instance for troubleshooting and compliance requirements
  • Notifications: alerts the users of any outages or their deployment status or pending invoices
  • Metrics: product and operational metrics depending on the level of visibility you want to expose to your customers. For more, see this
  • Logging: debugging information to allow your users to debug during incidents or integrating their applications. For more, see this

Enterprise-grade security

First, your customers are looking for secure options to connect to the underlying application. The basic auth mechanism along with TLS is a good starting point but not enough for enterprises looking for multi-layer defense. At the minimum, they want IP whitelisting to limit the attack vector and only allow their systems to talk to specific IPs. In addition, you may also need stable IP for your customers to whitelist incoming traffic from your systems into their infrastructure. Omnistrate can automatically enable all of these capabilities without any effort from your end.

Separately, your customers may have compliance requirements. We have our SOC2 Type II where we’ve documented and implemented a bunch of the controls. You can extend your systems achieve the well established SOC2 compliance.

If you have other requirements on compliance or secure connectivity, please reach out to us