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Omnistrate's SaaSBuilder is a ready-to-use user interface for launching your SaaS offering on the Omnistrate platform.

As an open-source platform, SaaSBuilder is highly customizable and adaptable, benefiting from continuous improvements by the dedicated community.

By default, we launch SaaSBuilder on your behalf and you can simply set the custom domain here

SaaSBuilder benefits

Here are some of the benefits of using SaaSBuilder:

Launch Your SaaS UX Quickly

Launch your SaaS UX quickly with SaaSBuilder's pre-built user interface. This allows you to skip the time-consuming UI development phase and focus on the core product and getting your product to market faster.

Customized UX

You can customize the user interface to match your brand and workflows with SaaSBuilder. You can integrate essential tools, set up Google Analytics, configure email settings, add your logo, and use your custom domain, creating a personalized experience for your users.

If you want to further customize SaaSBuilder and launch/manage it yourself for any reason, please reach out to us at and we will disable launching SaaSBuilder for your account.

To learn more on how to use custom launch and self-manage SaaSBuilder, please see this.

Open Source Collaboration

SaasBuilder is open source and you can access and modify the open-source code to fit your specific needs. Contribute to the project and benefit from continuous improvements driven by a dedicated developer community, ensuring the platform evolves and remains cutting-edge.

Continuous Updates

Benefit from regular updates and enhancements provided by the community. This keeps your SaaS platform up-to-date with the latest features and improvements, allowing you to offer the most effective user experience to your customers.