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Backup and Point-in-time Restore

Omnistrate offers a backup and point-in-time restore capability for your service components. It allows you to recover your end customer service components to the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) in case of any data loss/corruption or service misconfiguration.

You can enable this capability with a few clicks. Once enabled, Omnistrate will automatically and periodically back up your customer's service components, storing these backups in the same account where the service components are hosted.


Omnistrate enables continuous backup chains for your service components, ensuring comprehensive backups of all elements, including service data, data plane and control plane configurations. The backups are performed incrementally, using a sliding window approach to optimize storage costs. Additionally, Omnistrate allows you to configure backup retention and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) to best fit your needs.

Omnistrate continous backup

Let's look at above example, if an instance is created on Day 1 at 4:00, Omnistrate begins monitoring your service and initiating the backup chain. In this scenario, continuous backups are taken every hour. The backup chain will keep moving, with the oldest backups being discarded once they reach the maximum retention period. You or your customers can recover service components to any RPO within the backup chain period. This feature ensures the protection of customer services and data from unexpected interruptions.

This capability is only available for Tenant-Aware service components. To enable backup capability on Tenant-Aware components, add x-omnistrate-capabilities in your compose specification. Here is an example:

    backupRetentionInDays: 7
    backupPeriodInHours: 2

  • backupRetentionInDays: Number of days to retain the backup
  • backupPeriodInHours: Period in hours to take the backup

The backup will be taken on selected service component and all its dependent service components.

In addition, you can enable or disable backups for specific storage volumes. By default, all storage volumes are backed up. To disable backups for a particular storage volume, you can add disableBackup: true in the volume configuration. Here is an example using compose spec:

      - source: mysql_master_data
        target: /var/lib/postgresql/data
        type: volume
            instanceStorageType: AWS::EBS_GP2
            instanceStorageSizeGi: 200
            instanceStorageIOPS: 6000
            instanceStorageThroughputMiBps: 800
            disableBackup: true
            instanceStorageType: GCP::PD_SSD
            instanceStorageSizeGi: 200
            disableBackup: true


Backup only applies to AWS EBS/GCP Persistent Disk storage. If you are using other storage types, and would to have backup enabled, please reach out to us at

Point-in-time Restore (PITR)

Omnistrate allows you to recover your service components to any RPO within the backup chain period. It restores all components, including service data, configurations, and infrastructure setups, to the exact same running state at the chosen time. This enables you to resume your services immediately, without any additional effort. Typically, the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is within a couple of minutes and does not impact the source data plane. You or your customers can initiate the restoration by simply selecting the source instance and the target RPO. The restoration process applies not only to the selected service component but also to all its dependent components. Omnistrate will restore the service components to the state closest to the selected time, based on the chosen RPO. The restored instance operates independently and is not impacted by the source instance.


If the source instance is deleted, the automatic backups will also be removed, and you won't be able to restore the service components.