Building services with Kustomize¶
Omnistrate supports deploying Kustomize-based configurations as part of your service topology. Kustomize is a configuration management tool for Kubernetes that allows you to customize raw, template-free YAML files for Kubernetes deployments. This provides flexibility when handling multiple environments and customizing resources.
As part of the deployment, Omnistrate manages the following:
- Deploying a VPC / Subnets in the chosen region and chosen account (customer's or yours)
- Deploying a Kubernetes cluster in the chosen region
- Deploying NLBs w/ Nginx Ingress Controllers
- Deploying a Kubernetes Dashboard for you to monitor your deployments
- Deploying a Route53 Hosted Zone for your workload endpoints that you can configure through Kubernetes Service annotations
- Deploying an IAM role / Google Service Account for your workload to invoke Cloud Provider APIs / Services like S3
- Deploying a Kubernetes Role / RoleBinding for your workload to manage Kubernetes resources within the namespace of the deployment
- Configuring ACME TLS certificates that are auto-rotated
- Deploying your Helm charts with any customer specific configurations
Omnistrate fully supports these deployments as long as they are in a remote repository accessible to your deployment Kubernetes environment, rendering and deploying Kustomize templates with any customer or environment specific configurations.