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Omnistrate Terraform Integration

The Omnistrate Terraform Integration streamlines the deployment and management of cloud infrastructure by combining the power of Terraform with the flexibility of Omnistrate. This integration allows you to inject dynamic metadata directly into your Terraform templates, automate complex multi-cloud deployments, and modularize infrastructure components for efficient management. By integrating with other deployment types such as Helm charts, Operators or Kustomize, Omnistrate enhances orchestration capabilities, enabling users to create scalable and adaptable service plans. With Omnistrate, you can simplify your infrastructure-as-code workflows and ensure smooth, automated provisioning across various cloud environments and tenants.


Support for Terraform Integration is currently in progress for GCP. Reach out to us at to learn more.

Integrating Terraform on your Service Plan

Terraform stacks are managed through a specification file that defines your overall service topology on Omnistrate. A complete description of the service plan specification can be found on Getting started / Service Plan Spec

Here is an example of a using Terraform to configure a SaaS service:

provider "aws" {
  region = "{{ $sys.deploymentCell.region }}"

# Create a Security Group for RDS and ElastiCache
resource "aws_security_group" "rds_elasticache_sg" {
  name        = "e2e-rds-elasticache-security-group-{{ $ }}"
  description = "Security group for RDS and ElastiCache instances"
  vpc_id      = "{{ $sys.deploymentCell.cloudProviderNetworkID }}"

  ingress {
    from_port   = 3306
    to_port     = 3306
    protocol    = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [""]  # Adjust for appropriate security

  ingress {
    from_port   = 11211  # Default Memcached port
    to_port     = 11211
    protocol    = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [""]  # Adjust accordingly

  egress {
    from_port   = 0
    to_port     = 0
    protocol    = "-1"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

# Create a DB Subnet Group for RDS
resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "rds_subnet_group" {
  name        = "e2e-rds-subnet-group-{{ $ }}"
  description = "My RDS subnet group"

  subnet_ids = [
    "{{ $sys.deploymentCell.publicSubnetIDs[0].id }}",
    "{{ $sys.deploymentCell.publicSubnetIDs[1].id }}",
    "{{ $sys.deploymentCell.publicSubnetIDs[2].id }}"

# Create a Subnet Group for ElastiCache
resource "aws_elasticache_subnet_group" "elasticache_subnet_group" {
  name       = "e2e-elasticache-subnet-group-{{ $ }}"
  description = "My ElastiCache subnet group"

  subnet_ids = [
    "{{ $sys.deploymentCell.publicSubnetIDs[0].id }}",
    "{{ $sys.deploymentCell.publicSubnetIDs[1].id }}",
    "{{ $sys.deploymentCell.publicSubnetIDs[2].id }}"

# Create RDS instances
resource "aws_db_instance" "example1" {
  identifier              = "e2e-instance-1-{{ $ }}"
  engine                  = "mysql"
  instance_class          = "db.t3.micro"
  allocated_storage       = 20
  db_subnet_group_name    =
  vpc_security_group_ids  = []
  username                = "admin"
  password                = "yourpassword"  
  parameter_group_name    = "default.mysql8.0"
  engine_version          = "8.0.37"
  skip_final_snapshot     = true

  depends_on = [

resource "aws_db_instance" "example2" {
  identifier              = "e2e-instance-2-{{ $ }}"
  engine                  = "mysql"
  instance_class          = "db.t3.micro"
  allocated_storage       = 20
  db_subnet_group_name    =
  vpc_security_group_ids  = []
  username                = "admin"
  password                = "yourpassword"
  parameter_group_name    = "default.mysql8.0"
  engine_version          = "8.0.37"
  skip_final_snapshot     = true

  depends_on = [aws_db_instance.example1]

# Create ElastiCache Cluster for Memcached
resource "aws_elasticache_cluster" "example_memcached" {
  cluster_id             = "e2e-memcached-{{ $ }}"
  engine                 = "memcached"
  node_type              = "cache.t3.micro"
  num_cache_nodes        = 2  # Adjust as needed

  subnet_group_name      =
  security_group_ids     = []

  depends_on = [
    aws_db_instance.example2  # Ensure ElastiCache is created after all RDS instances


Please ensure that the main file for your terraform stack contains the definition on the provider.

Terraform templates need to be available on a GitHub repository, either private or public. One repository can contain multiple Terraform stacks, and can be referenced using a specific git reference (tag or branch) and a folder patch withing that repository. Omnistrate allows you to configure a reference to a Git repository and path where the terraform stack is stored. When selecting a path for your repository Omnistrate expects the entire terraform definition to be under that folder structure.

Within the Terraform templates, the Omnistrate platform provides system parameters that can be used to reference to information about the current cluster, for instance:

  • $sys.deploymentCell.publicSubnetIDs[i].id
  • $sys.deploymentCell.privateSubnetIDs[i].id
  • $sys.deploymentCell.region
  • $sys.deploymentCell.cloudProviderNetworkID
  • $sys.deploymentCell.cidrRange

You can inject these values into your Terraform templates, and these values will be dynamically rendered during deployment.

In addition, the Omnistrate platform will automatically output all values defined in the Terraform templates' output block. You can use these outputs to inject into other deployment components, as shown in the example below:


You can use system parameters to customize Terraform templates. A detailed list of system parameters be found on Build Guides / System Parameters.

Registering a Service using a Terraform stack

Terraform stack are managed through a specification file that defines your overall service topology on Omnistrate. A complete description of the service plan specification can be found on Getting started / Service Plan Spec. Consider using Git tags to version the terraform stack and ensure consistency across Service Plan versions.

Here is an example of a SaaS service that deploys Redis Clusters using a Helm chart.

Example (Kustomize + Terraform combined deployment):

name: Multiple Resources
    AwsAccountId: "<AWS_ID>"
    AwsBootstrapRoleAccountArn: arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ID>:role/omnistrate-bootstrap-role
    GcpProjectId: "<GCP_INFO>"
    GcpProjectNumber: "<GCP_INFO>"
    GcpServiceAccountEmail: "<GCP_INFO>"

    - name: terraformChild
      internal: true
            terraformPath: /terraform
              reference: refs/tags/12.0
            terraformPath: /terraform
              reference: refs/tags/12.0
    - name: kustomizeRoot
      type: kustomize
        - terraformChild
          - name: t4g.small
            cloudProvider: aws
          - name: e2-medium
            cloudProvider: gcp
          - 5432
        kustomizePath: /correct
          reference: refs/tags/12.0
        - key: username
          description: Username
          name: Username
          type: String
          modifiable: true
          required: false
          export: true
          defaultValue: username
        - key: password
          description: Default DB Password
          name: Password
          type: String
          modifiable: false
          required: false
          export: false
          defaultValue: postgres

You can register this spec using our CLI:

omnistrate-ctl build -f spec.yaml --name 'Multiple Resources' --release-as-preferred --spec-type ServicePlanSpec

# Example output shown below
 Successfully built service
Check the service plan result at:
Access your SaaS offer at:

Using Terraform outputs

Omnistrate platform will automatically output all values defined in the Terraform templates output block. You can use these outputs to inject into other deployment components.

For example, a resource can define output parameters on the stack

output "rds_endpoints_1" {
  value = aws_db_instance.example1.endpoint

output "rds_endpoints_2" {
  value = {
    endpoint: aws_db_instance.example2.endpoint
  sensitive = true

output "elasticache_endpoint" {
  value = aws_elasticache_cluster.example_memcached.cache_nodes[0].address

and in the dependent resource we can reference to the terraform output properties:

{{ $terraformChild.out.rds_endpoints_1 }}
{{ $terraformChild.out.rds_endpoints_2.endpoint }}
{{ $terraformChild.out.elasticache_endpoint }}

Using Terraform private module

Omnistrate supports the use of private Terraform modules hosted in private repositories. You can configure these modules in your Terraform scripts with the following structure:

module "ec2_instance" {
  source  = "git::https://{{ $sys.deployment.terraformPrivateModuleGitAccessTokens.token }}"

  instance_type = "t2.micro"
To enable access to private modules, specify the Git access token within your service plan specification file as shown below:

    AwsAccountId: "<AWS_ID>"
    AwsBootstrapRoleAccountArn: arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ID>:role/omnistrate-bootstrap-role
    GcpProjectId: "<GCP_INFO>"
    GcpProjectNumber: "<GCP_INFO>"
    GcpServiceAccountEmail: "<GCP_INFO>"

  - name: terraform
    internal: true
          terraformPath: /terraform
            reference: refs/tags/12.0
            token: "<<PAT>>"  
          terraformExecutionIdentity: "arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ID>:role/custom-terraform-execution-role"
In this setup, the Git access token for private modules is configured as a key-value pair in the service plan specification file. During the deployment process, the token is rendered and can be utilized within your Terraform scripts through the system parameter $sys.deployment.terraformPrivateModuleGitAccessTokens..

Additional permissions for Terraform

Using a terraform stack normally requires to define permissions to create, update and delete the entities involved. You can configure a custom policy / role that will be used when applying each Terraform stack defined as a resource in Omnistrate.

Custom Terraform policy for BYOA hosting model

To configure permissions required to provision Terraform resources within BYOA hosting model, you can configure a Custom Terraform Policy. This feature is configured on the service plan level and Omnistrate will adjust onboarding scripts for your customers to include appropriate resources (depending on cloud provider). - For AWS, configuration is provider as policy document. Omnistrate will create dedicated AWS IAM role per-model when onboarding your customers. With each update, new version of cloud formation stack will be created. - For GCP, configuration is provided as list of GCP IAM roles. Omnistrate will create dedicated GCP IAM service account per-role with specified roles bound. GCP CLI commands will always reflect the latest configuration. During provisioning, this custom identity (AWS IAM role / GCP IAM service account) is used to modify Terraform resources within the service plan.

To configure custom terraform policy using the service spec file, add the "CUSTOM_TERRAFORM_POLICY" feature such as:

      aws: |
        "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*"
        - name: roles/pubsub.admin
        - name: roles/cloudsql.admin

In the example above, terraform will be allowed full access to SQS service.

To achieve the same effect using Omnistrate CTL, you can use the following command:

omctl service-plan enable-feature 'Service name' 'Plan name' --feature CUSTOM_TERRAFORM_POLICY --feature-configuration-file ../path/to/config-file

With config file having the following content (AWS policy itself needs to be provided as JSON string):

 "policies": {
   "aws": "{\"Statement\":[{\"Action\": [\"sqs:*\"],\"Effect\": \"Allow\",\"Resource\": \"*\"}]}"
 "roles": {
   "gcp": [
     {"name": "roles/pubsub.admin"},
     {"name": "roles/cloudsql.admin"}

To disable this feature, use the following command:

omctl service-plan disable-feature 'Service name' 'Plan name' --feature CUSTOM_TERRAFORM_POLICY 


Each time the custom terraform policy is updated, a new version of the onboarding script is generated. Your customers might need to re-run their account onboarding, otherwise they might not be able to provision your service. This requires updating their account onboarding CloudFormation stack (for AWS), or getting latest GCP CLI commands and running them (for GCP).

Custom Terraform execution identity for Service Provider hosted model

You can configure execution identity for Terraform resources by providing a reference in the terraformExecutionIdentity property. Following example shows usage of AWS IAM role omnistrate-custom-terraform-execution-role and GCP service account omnistrate-terraform-service-account:

name: Multiple Resources
    AwsAccountId: "<AWS_ID>"
    AwsBootstrapRoleAccountArn: arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ID>:role/omnistrate-bootstrap-role
    GcpProjectId: "<GCP_INFO>"
    GcpProjectNumber: "<GCP_INFO>"
    GcpServiceAccountEmail: "<GCP_INFO>"

    - name: terraform
      internal: true
            terraformPath: /terraform
              reference: refs/tags/12.0
            terraformExecutionIdentity: "arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ID>:role/omnistrate-custom-terraform-execution-role"
            terraformPath: /terraform
              reference: refs/tags/12.0
            terraformExecutionIdentity: "omnistrate-terraform-service-account@<GCP_PROJECT_ID>"

Custom principal

Any AWS IAM role / GCP service account you create yourself.

AWS requirements for Terraform role

The only requirement for AWS role is a Trusted Entity as defined below:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ID>:root"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ID>:role/dataplane-agent-iam-role-*"


IAM role must use the prefix 'omnistrate-' so that it can be used for Terraform execution in Omnistrate.

GCP requirements for Terraform service account

GCP service account needs to bind member serviceAccount:${data.google_project.current.project_id}[dataplane-agent/omnistrate-da-${lower(var.account_config_identity_id)}] to role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser in order for Omnistrate dataplane to be able to use it.

Pre-created principals

Omnistrate will by default pre-create empty IAM principals for Terraform resources during account setup. - For AWS, IAM role omnistrate-terraform-role will be created (this role start with omnistrate- and has a trusted entity configuration) - For GCP, IAM service account omnistrate-tf-${lower(var.account_config_identity_id)} will be created (this service account will have IAM binding to Omnistrate dataplane)

These principals are pre-created with necessary configuration (as described above). You can configure them with necessary permissions and pass reference as terraformExecutionIdentity in the service spec file.